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Bosch IoT Insights: Access Control Extension, Raw Data Storage and Project Migrations

Access Control Extension preparation

In the last sprint we integrated the Suite Auth user management system as replacement of IoT Permissions. Since it works smoothly we could cleanup policies in IoT Things (INS-1024) and get rid of the SPADE security library (INS-1205). The IoT Permissions migration is finished.

The preparation of the Access Control Extension feature for Bosch IoT Insights still continues. We now focus on managing access rights of devices (INS-1344). This feature is not yet visible to customers.

Raw Data Storage preparation

We continue to work on a cheaper way to save input data as raw storage. Using this storage to upload, process and retrieve data is ongoing. As stated in the last few notices, this feature is not yet visible to customers until we can enable it as a whole.

Quality topics

We fixed several security findings: INS-1426 and INS-1472.

The SSL intermediate certificate was revoked and had to be replaced (INS-1552).

Optimizations to reduce database read calls (INS-957).

In addition, the migration towards pipeline processing continued with several projects (INS-1504, INS-1505 and INS-1510). All pipeline projects use a separate database by default even when located on the shared replica-set. All remaining non-pipeline projects were also moved to a separate database ( INS-1536, INS-1548, INS-1549 and INS-1554). An existing project was upgraded to PREMIUM plan and thus migrated to a dedicated replica-set (INS-1398).


  • INS-1267: UI: Action button shows wrong status
  • INS-1459: Action Button Widget doesn’t behave as expected (Filter Parameter, Errors)
  • INS-1516: Navigating back and forth between device-details and device-history fails
  • INS-1509: Problems with invitation links
  • INS-1515: Device-History e2e test fails due to slow device-type loading

Small UI Improvements

  • INS-1359 Show the creation date of sub devices
  • INS-1358 Rename the label of the creation date
  • INS-160: change the order of views, see image below
    Move View