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Bosch IoT Insights – New layout preview

Soon we are introducing a new layout in Bosch IoT Insights with a whole new menu structure. See all the benefits and a sneak peak of what the new layout will look like.


  • Expandable/collapsible menu
  • Removal of borders in the current web page layout for a better use of the available space
  • Rework of general icons to easily identify their purpose
  • Reduction of information that doesn’t need to be visible at all times, such as your name and contact information
  • No menu wrap with too many menu items
  • Permanent visibility of the footer even when scrolling
  • More application-focused style
  • Better display on wide-screen monitors
  • Better support for mobile devices

New layout:

Check out the new layout compared to the current one in Bosch IoT Insights.

Also see the collapsed navigation bar and the new drop-down that hides the user information.