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Bosch IoT Insights: Subscription information page, bugfixes and more

The latest version of Bosch IoT Insights comes with various improvements.

Marketplace / Subscription Information page

We introduced a subscription page in the Admin Tab which shows the subscription information for a project.
That way a person with the role “Manager” can review the subscription information on a central page.
You can find more details in the appropriate User Guide section in the Help or directly by clicking here.

Subscription Detail Page

Pending Invites – Mark expired invites

We improved the display of Pending Invites so that expired invites are clearly marked.
Previously there was just the text like “2 months ago” which didn´t help much managing Invites and removing expired ones.
Now expired ones are marked in red so that one can see at a glance what status an invite has.

Pending invites are clearly marked

Time Series

We took our next steps to integrate time series functionality into IoT Insights.
This time we extended the capabilities of Data Browser and Data Analyzer for initial support of time series functionality.
This feature is still in early stages of development and we gather further experience in a closed ALPHA test phase.
Therefore this feature is not yet visible for customers and will be rolled out all at once, when all necessary parts are available.

Further improvements

The following improvements are also part of this release:

  • Implement Retry Logic for IoT Suite Client Token generation to increase robustness
  • Adapt User Management to list users for a specific consent version and filter them

Bug Fixes

In this release we have addressed and fixed the following bugs:

INS-2945 iTramsDecoder – Exception handling for Incomplete file handling does not work as expected
INS-3776 Fix error log event & exceptions related to the Swagger Documentation
INS-4055 Remove blocking pipeline startup query
INS-3781 Calendar Widget: Jump to “newly” created bookings not working when hidden via horizontal scroll bar
INS-4048 Multi selection filter for some Custom Column types does not work
INS-4061 Booking user is not filled out automatically in booking dialog
INS-4095 User List displaying incorrect Consent Acceptance Date

System stabilization and Updates

In this release we have done the following tasks to stabilize and update our System:

INS-3985 Nexus IQ [org.webjars.npm : moment : 2.29.1] – CVE-2022-31129
INS-3986 Nexus IQ [org.eclipse.jetty : jetty-server : 9.4.45.v20220203] – CVE-2022-2047
INS-4056 Nexus IQ [com.squareup.okhttp3 : okhttp : 3.14.9 – sonatype-2022-4262]
INS-4046 Update aws-java-sdk-s3