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Bosch IoT Insights – Table widget improvements and many more

Fixed a performance bottleneck for the file upload in the UI

We found uploading files through our UI and API using HTTP 2.0 to be slow. Therefore, a downgrade of the existing domains were set to enforce the usage of HTTP 1.1 for now. With this, we were able to fix the performance bottleneck, and the user can now upload large files, which will be uploaded via the UI as fast as possible.

We plan to provide HTTP 2.0 in the future again when a corresponding solution by the infrastructure services is available to address this bottleneck in HTTP 2.0.

Processing pipeline shows the correct status for failed pipelines

If a processing pipeline crashes, the processing status for the document might remain in “IN PROGRESS”. Especially when it failed to update the status. Previously, the UI showed them as “spinning” forever symbols and gave the false impression that the document was still being processed.

We implemented a job scheduler that checks for those false states and updates the status to “COMPLETED_WITH_FAILURES”. The job validates the status information every 30 minutes. The job searches for status documents with the status NEW or RUNNING and compares them with the current processing pipeline instances.
If there is no pipeline instance for the document, it is considered as orphaned, and its status is updated. Thus, a failure is displayed in the UI instead of the “spinner”. With this improvement, the user always sees the correct status of his pipelines.

Renewal is required for extended usage of free plans

Currently, a lot of free plan projects seem to be not in use anymore.

The free plan in general is designed to be used for testing and evaluation.
To provide you the best possible service also for a long-term usage, we are now sending out a recommendation an upgrade to a PayAsYouGo plan.

A PayAsYouGo plan contains the same volumes as a free plan and has no base fee.
From now on, project administrators of free-plan projects will have to renew their subscription on a regular basis.
In case a renewal is required, the project administrators will receive an e-mail which will inform them that they have to log in and renew their subscription. If they renew their subscription, they can use Bosch IoT Insights for another 30 days. Otherwise, after 30 days, we will assume that the project is not needed anymore and delete it. The renewal can be requested by clicking on the link in the banner at the top of the browser window. Doing so, a confirmation message about the successful renewal will be displayed and the banner will not be shown anymore for another 30 days.

User can configure the booking color individually

We made an improvement for the user to set an individual color for a booking to highlight specific events with a specific color.
In a booking, there is a new option when creating and editing a booking where a user can choose the color of an own booking.

The status of the booking is still visible to the user. To set individual color events, you can find a description in the Style Settings.

Ability to trigger multiple entries with an overall action button in the Table widget

We made an improvement where users can add several action buttons in the header of the Table widget. If the user enables the “Enable batch processing” button in the table settings, a “Batch action button definition” field opens where an action button can be individually configured. To run the global action button, the user must select columns in the Table widget for which the action button will be executed.
A clear description of how to configure the action button in the Table widget can be found in our documentation under Table Settings.

Individual background colors for all custom column types in the Table widget

Now the user has the possibility to define an individual background color for the rich text column, hyperlink column, image column, and action button column. The setting for this new feature can be found under “Custom column definition”. There is a new field “Background color” where you can define the background color for all column types.

Clear history display of changes in a processing pipeline

If a user opens a processing pipeline, more metadata about the pipeline is displayed. By opening a pipeline, you can directly see when and who initially created it, when and who made the last changes to it, and the previous changes. The order of the information box has been improved so that the newest version of the pipeline is displayed first giving the user direct access to the current pipeline version.
For the pipeline view, we have an additional place in our documentation at Viewing a pipeline.


New description field for each processing pipeline

In processing pipelines, we give the user the ability to describe the respective pipeline. If a user opens a pipeline, it is now possible to describe each pipeline to provide its the purpose, behaviour, and logic.

Performance optimization for user management

We found out that in some projects, there were a lot of users on the pending invite list, which lead to slow user management in some cases. To improve the performance, we will store the entry for 30 days in the pending invites list if the invitation link expired after 14 days. After 30 days, the entry will be deleted.

Ability to disable “column selection” in the Table widget

In the Table widget’s table settings, there is a new option “Enable column selection” for the user, where the “Select columns” button at the header of the table widget can be enabled or disabled. The benefit of this option is that if the user doesn’t need the column selection, no unnecessary space is taken up.


The pagination of the Table widget is not shown if it is not needed

The Table widget will occupy less space if the content of the table can be shown completely on one page. If the table has fewer than 10 entries, the setting for the entries per page is higher than 10, and the “Settings” menu only contains the page size. The pagination of the table is hidden. The benefit of this new improvement for the user is that the Table widget will use less space in the dashboard view.


Filter Panel widget – device list supports endless scrolling

We made an improvement to the device list in the Filter Panel widget that allows the user to endlessly scroll. Users can now quickly browse through the entire device list without having to click on the “Show more” button multiple times.

The filter in the Table widget supports now array data types

In the Table widget settings, there is now a new option to handle multiple values (arrays). Now the user can define which data type the values in an array have and filter for them. With this new improvement, users can now more precisely define which data type should be handled and get better filter results. The new option can be found at “Custom colums definition” > “Data type handling & formatting”.


Better visualization of arrays in the table widget

Users can now better handle array data types in a table column. There is a new option when “Multiple values (array)” is selected to set the visualization of the entries from an array in a table column. The user has the option to define how the UI separates multiple values from each other.
The options are line break (default), whitespace, comma, semicolon, or list based. With this new possibility, the visualization is improved and there is less whitespace in the Table widget.

New filter type “Query Condition” for the Filter Panel widget

We made an improvement to the Filter Panel widget so that users can configure custom filter conditions with more freedom. We allow them to dynamically add new parameters or values to the filter definition. To create a query condition, the general filters in the filter panel settings need to be selected and the new “Query Condition” option chosen upon opening the “Add filter” menu. A clear description of this new option in the Filter Panel widget can be found in the documentation at Filter Panel widget: Using query conditions.


Further improvements

  • Action Button – the “Disable on specific condition” option is now also available if the action button is a link button.
  • Calendar Widget – users don’t need to select a device in a booking anymore if there is only one device for a booking available. If there is only one device available, it will be automatically pre-selected.
  • Signals Chart – If the user opens the “Select Signals”, the extra column name is not displayed anymore. Now the signal column will combine the name and the signal into one column. The reason for this improvement is that in some cases in the Signal column, a prefix was added to identify the signal.



In this release, we have addressed and fixed the following bugs:

  • INS-5523: Calendar Widget – Booking details dialog is shown outside the viewable region
  • INS-5395: Location Map should be resized back when showing a legend in a grid view
  • INS-5643: Geolocation dialog is not displayed in full width
  • INS-5518: Large whitespace at Rich Text Widget in combination with tab widget
  • INS-5562: Line Chart | Down sampling settings | Zoom not working when activated
  • INS-5669: Calendar widget doesn’t load when you navigate to project styles
  • INS-5524: Calendar Widget – Device Details are not shown when switching between projects
  • INS-5504: Calendar Widget – TimeLine View scrolls away from “Today”
  • INS-5632: Calendar Widget – device booking overlay not fully visible in grid layout
  • INS-5758: Sorting error by tab widget creation
  • INS-5312: Processing Pipeline – UI shows irritating status of crashed pipelines
  • INS-5766: Prolongation Process: Old projects where no project admin exists should be considered
  • INS-5739: Grid Layout – “Last update” hover over exceeds widget
  • INS-5736: Session timeout dialog is not aligned correct
  • INS-5676: Calendar – no e-mail notification sent also when “confirmation e-mail addresses” includes user(s)