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Bosch IoT Insights: Access Control Extension and Raw Data Storage

Access Control Extension preparation

We are continuing our effort in preparing the Access Control Extension feature for Bosch IoT Insights. In this sprint, we migrated the internally used Bosch IoT Things subscriptions for our customers from Bosch IoT Cloud (BIC) service management to the Bosch IoT Suite portal (INS-1055), secured the functionality of Token Exchange with Bosch IoT Suite Auth (INS-1185) and changed the user roles to a dot-based name scheme, as the auth side changed its concept (INS-1348). Also, we reviewed what we have done so far (INS-1008) and planned the next steps (INS-1238). All this preparation is not visible to customers and will be deployed all at once in Q1 2021.

Data Quality topics

We strengthened the collaboration with the MongoDB developers. We now have the chance to test beta functionality with the existing databases. In addition, we established further methods and alerts (INS-971) to recognize and react faster to ui/data inconsistency problems.

Raw Data Storage preparation

We are still preparing a cheaper way of saving input data as raw storage and are working on different aspects to integrate this feature. As with the Access Control Extension, this feature is not visible to customers until we can deploy it.


  • INS-1234: Invalid handling of 403 responses in the frontend, lead to annoying “you’re are logged out” behaviour
  • INS-1321: Processing logs call crashed project-management-service
  • INS-1371: Reprocessing job percentage by missing total count
  • INS-1329: Tour widget data cleansing did not work with playback widget
  • INS-1331: Booking a Free Plan failed when additional subscriptions besides Bosch IoT Things where active.
  • INS-1330: Text/data shown in the Illustration Widget did not align after saving
  • INS-1338: Quality Fix – CML Security findings
  • INS-1363: Fix of the Suite OAuth client identification