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On-demand webinar

IoT data management with Bosch IoT Insights

40 min

On-demand webinar: IoT data management


IoT projects revolve around capturing, storing, and analyzing IoT data. This data is of value during both product development and product use, where it can reveal potential for further enhancement as well as provide early warning of weaknesses and quality problems. Bosch IoT Insights is a cloud-based service that captures, processes, and stores a wide range of device data in an ideal form for further analysis.

In the webinar with IoT Analytics – a leading player in IoT market research – you can find out more about how IoT platforms can enhance your data management and data analysis, and about the benefits and challenges for users of data management and analytics tools. We present examples of best practice from over 30 IoT data management projects from Bosch, including a detailed breakdown of the service provided in a selected customer project.


  • The current situation for IoT, platforms, and analysis
  • The latest advances in data administration, data processing, and data visualization
  • The benefits and challenges for users of data management and analytics tools
  • Using insights from IoT data to enhance products and services
  • Generating new data-based opportunities
  • Dealing with data complexity (with Bosch IoT Insights)

Who this webinar is for
This webinar is adressed to all those who develop innovative IoT solutions and want to open up new technical or economic business opportunities around the IoT.

Language & duration
English, 40 minutes