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Bosch IoT Edge Agent: file backup and restore, containers soft update

Bosch IoT Edge Agent provides the essential IoT enablement for an edge device – cloud connectivity, local messaging, software updates and containers management for a wide variety of device platforms.

The new Bosch IoT Edge release – Bosch IoT Edge Agent 1.5.0 is introducing new features for backup and restore, and containers update.

File backup and restore

The backup and restore functionality at the edge is accessible as an executable file in the latest Bosch IoT Edge agent assembly. It gives you the ability to:

  • Backup/restore specified directory – backup a folder on the file system and then make a restore from the backup content in the cloud
  • Use custom backup/restore scripts – perform more complex backup and restore scenarios, with custom defined sequence of operations
  • Set up automatic periodic backups – activate, deactivate and define period for automatic backups

For more information, visit Perform file backup and restore.

Containers soft update

Updating a container without recreating it is now possible both via the containers management CLI and via the dedicated container feature as part of the Edge containers thing. Supported updates include:

  • Change container name
  • Update container restart policy

For more information, visit Manage containers.

For full release notes and documentation, visit Bosch IoT Edge.