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Bosch IoT Device Management: Target quicklinks, enhanced list sorting and other improvements

The new release of Bosch IoT Rollouts, the software update layer of Bosch IoT Device Management, comes with the following improvements:

To improve the usability of the Management UI of Bosch IoT Rollouts, the target list views that are displayed on the Rollout and Target Filter views provide target quicklinks which take a user back to the Deployment view and, at the same time, select a specific target. This is useful if a user wants to take a closer look at a certain target which is listed for a rollout group or target filter. By clicking the target quicklink, the user is taken back to the Deployment view and is immediately presented with the details of that specific target, in particular its action history.

Enhanced List Sorting

Various lists which are displayed in the different views of the Management UI can be sorted now by using the sorting controls that are exposed via the table columns. This is in particular useful for lists displaying many items. For example, a user might want to sort the targets of a rollout group based on their software update status to bring those targets with status ‘Error’ to the top of the list.

New Features

  • [MECS-17487] – Management UI: Enhanced list sorting based on table columns (ascending or descending)
  • [MECS-17494] – Management UI: Provide target quicklinks from target listings in Rollout and Target Filters view back to Deployment view


  • [MECS-16693] – Process cancelation in batches
  • [MECS-17554] – Check if device is still updatable on /rest/v1/targets Management REST API
  • [MECS-17284] – Management UI: Make target type table expandable