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Bosch IoT Edge: Encrypted container images, Azure Blob Storage support, Dynamic File upload configuration, and more

Bosch IoT Edge Agent provides the essential IoT enablement for an edge device – cloud connectivity, local messaging, software updates and containers management for a wide variety of device platforms. Bosch IoT Edge Services brings IoT protocol support, history, automation, device access and more to the edge, with ability to manage from the cloud.

The new Bosch IoT Edge releases – Bosch IoT Edge Agent 1.7.0 and Bosch IoT Edge Services 10.6.0 are introducing the following new capabilities:


  • Azure cloud support – allowed backup to Azure Blob Storage, using temporary credentials. You can backup files by providing an endpoint, container name and generated shared access signature (SAS) token – refer to Delegate access with shared access signature guide. The progress monitoring for Azure Blob backups is fine grained as the percentage is based on the number of bytes, rather than the number of backup files.

  • Backup as systemd service – Backup systemd configuration file is provided. It can be installed via script and uninstalled with script. By default /etc/backup/config.json configuration is used. To modify the service, modify the backup.service file.

  • Added ‘mode’ configuration property, for controlling which directories can be specified through the ‘backup.dir’ option when invoking backup/restore operation from the backend. [Affects migration] To learn more refer to Backup/restore specified directory guide.

  • Insecure cipher suites explicitly filtered out for HTTPS uploads.

  • Added serverCert config property, for specifying the server certificate for HTTPS uploads/downloads. Useful for servers with self-signed certificates.

Containers management

File upload

  • Azure cloud support – allowed upload to Azure Blob Storage, using temporary credentials. Files can be uploaded by providing an endpoint, container name and generated shared access signature (SAS) token – refer to Delegate access with shared access signature guide. The progress monitoring for Azure Blob uploads is fine grained as the percentage is based on the number of uploaded bytes, rather than the number of uploaded files.

  • Upload monitoring – added fine grained upload progress monitoring for Azure Blob uploads. The percentage is based on the number of uploaded bytes, rather than the number of uploaded files.

  • Dynamically specifying files for upload – the trigger operation now has a upload.files option for specifying new files for upload. The control over the files for upload is provided with a new mode property. Learn more about it in ‘Using the access mode property’ section of Configure file upload guide.

  • HTTPS uploads – insecure cipher suites explicitly filtered out for HTTPS uploads. Also a new serverCert property is added for specifying the server certificate for HTTPS uploads. Useful for servers with self-signed certificates.

  • Default File Upload feature name – the previous ‘Autouploadable’ is now changed back to ‘AutoUploadable’. [Affects migration] All dependent scrips and rules need to be fixed accordingly.

Script-based SoftwareUpdatable

  • Insecure cipher suites explicitly filtered out for HTTPS uploads.

  • Added serverCert config property, for specifying the server certificate for HTTPS uploads/downloads. Useful for servers with self-signed certificates.

Bosch IoT Edge Services

The following changes affect the migration to the latest version:

  • External – The following Ditto libraries have been updated from version 1.3.0 to version 2.2.0:
    • Ditto-json

    • Ditto-model-base

    • Ditto-model-policies

    • Ditto-model-things

    • Ditto-protocol-adapter

    • Ditto-client

    • Ditto-model-rql

    • Ditto-model-rql-parser

    • Ditto-model-query

    • Ditto-model-thingsearch

    The Ditto packages come with new names – use them instead. [Affects migration]

    The ditto-model-thingsearch-parser bundle has been removed from the SDK.

    The JmDNS bundle library has been updated from version 3.5.6 to version 3.5.7.

  • OSGi Things Agent – The API of the module uses the newest Ditto 2.2.0 library stack. It is adapted accordingly. [Affects migration]


For full release notes, visit Bosch IoT Edge Agent and Bosch IoT Edge Services.