Bosch IoT Edge enables devices for AIoT with connectivity, management, applications, and updates. It is an integrated set of configurable building blocks that work together to connect diverse IoT devices locally and to the cloud, set communication between devices, and develop scalable IoT applications that bring together IoT device data processing and services where they can best optimize outcomes.
Bosch IoT Edge Agent provides the essential IoT enablement for an edge device – cloud connectivity local messaging, software updates and containers management for wide variety of device platforms – from small microcontrollers with Zephyr to powerful edge compute nodes. Bosch IoT Edge Services provides extended device connectivity and advanced edge services such as history, statistics, rules engine, and more, to help you gain domain-specific insights, monitor real-time events and actions, and automate business processes locally.
The new Bosch IoT Edge releases – Bosch IoT Edge Agent 1.3.0 and Bosch IoT Edge Services 10.4.0 – are adding increased support in the areas of edge security, edge management, and more. The release highlights include:
File upload and log upload
File upload between the edge and the cloud backend enables a variety of use cases related to edge diagnostics and monitoring, as well as system backup and restore. The file upload functionality gives the ability to configure the edge from the backend to send files periodically, or for the backend to explicitly trigger file upload from the device.
A variety of files, such as log files or backup and restore files pertaining to Edge Services, Bosch IoT Edge, or containers management can be received in the cloud. Those can be uploaded to different clouds, currently including AWS and standard HTTP upload (e.g. using AWS/Azure pre-signed URL).
For more information, visit File upload.
For more information on log uploads, visit Log uploads.
Backup and restore
The new backup and restore functional item as part of Edge Services provides an easy way to request backup of the OSGi framework and bundles, and restore data from the cloud backup.
For more information, visit Backup and restore.
Script-based software updates
The script-based software update functionality enables updates of any kind of software predefined in your script. The functionality is provided by the Bosch IoT Edge agent as a native application suscript.exe. The application registers a SotwareUpdatable feature in the main Edge thing of the Bosch IoT Edge agent. The feature can be used for the following use cases:
- Update multiple software packages with different scripts
- Update single software package with а single script
For more information, visit Script-based software updates.
Device bootstrapping
The bootstrapping agent is an optional component that comes with the Bosch IoT Edge agent. This helper service provides a mechanism for automatic provisioning of devices for connecting to a target Bosch IoT Suite subscription. Devices can be shipped with a uniform clean setup without knowing the target subscription or tenancy information, and without knowing the target device credentials. Multiple target subscriptions can be used based on different regions, application tenants, device types, and so on. For such use cases, the bootstrapping enables provisioning to a single IoT solution without hardcoding at the initial setup.
For more information, visit Device bootstrapping.
ONVIF secure communication
X509TrustManager implementation allows to cover more strict security requirements. Providing preferred list of Cipher Suites and protocol versions is now possible using the ONVIF TLS Configuration.
For more information, visit ONVIF secure communication.
Device auto-registration with certificates
Certificate-based device registration is now possible. Device ID configuration with a client specified device ID pattern can be used to enable device auto-registration.
Username/password authentication to local MQTT broker
The local security is extended with enabling a username/password authentication.
Certificate-based device authentication on top of TPM
A new remote authentication option is added with enabling a certificate-based device authentication on top of Trusted Platform Module (TPM).
Azure IoT adapter as device proxy
Device properties from Azure IoT Hub can be updated without the need of a device twin. Use this functionality to control the downstream devices using a single Azure IoT device twin in the cloud.
For full release notes and documentation, visit Bosch IoT Edge and Bosch IoT Edge Services.