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Bosch IoT Insights – new possibility to optimize the reprocessing in the processing pipeline and further improvements

API is accessible via OAuth token from Azure AD

It is now possible for a user to log in to Azure Active Directory and use the Azure-provided OAuth token to use the Bosch IoT Insights API.
A user can use his personal account to trigger actions in the backend in his name instead of using a technical user.
The workflow on how to use OAuth with Azure Active Directory is described in detail at Authentication options.

Improved booking search with more than one keyword

We now offer users the possibility to search for a booking using more than one keyword in the booking search.
The benefit for users is that they can specify the search in more detail and get better search results.
A more detailed description of how to search for bookings can be found at Filtering for bookings.

Individual data order using reprocessing via processing pipeline.

A user now has the possibility of specifying the order in which input files are reprocessed.
With this improvement, we want to provide more freedom for reprocessing via a processing pipeline.
A detailed description of reprocessing the input history can be found at Reprocessing the input history.

Pagination for the Calendar Widget

Users are now able to configure the number of rows that they would like to make visible in the timeline view.
It results in optimal visualization of the calendar and leads to less white space.
The number of rows will be reduced or increased according to the settings in the “resource limit”.
So if it is not desired that a calendar covers the whole page, this can now easily be customized.

Table column width is configurable

We now provide the option to configure the width of columns inside a table widget.
Via minimum column width, the look and feel of the table widget can be improved, and hyphenation (word breaks) in the column can be avoided.
To set a column width, you can activate the “Minimal column width in px” checkbox manually, and then set the minimal column width.

Rich Text widget – new link type to “Copy link to clipboard”

The Rich Text widget now supports a new “Copy link to clipboard” option.
This allows the underlying link to be copied when clicked, instead of navigating.
It is now possible to choose whether a link in the rich text widget should open in the same tab, or in a new tab, or to copy the current URL to the clipboard.

Calendar widget – changes and deletion notifications for bookings can be disabled

When changing or deleting an existing booking, usually a email notification is sent out to the user who created the booking.
We implemented a checkbox in the Admin section under Project > Notification where you can now deactivate such notifications.

Device changes can now be directly commented on or labeled

Every change to a device can now be labeled or commented on directly with the change.
So you doesn’t need to search for the corresponding entry in the device history before adding a comment or a label.

Processing pipelines can now be annotated with notes and comments

We now offer the possibility to add comments or notes to each pipeline version,
to provide additional information about the purpose and changes of a pipeline.

Further improvements:

  • Device Management – More consistency in the description for Device Feature Blocks and properties.
    Now the description is shown directly in the Device List View, Device Details View, and Device Details Widget.
  • Switch to Let’s Encrypt and automatic renewal of SSL certification – for all domains – from August 2023.
  • For signal charts you now have the option to add a filling for line shapes.


In this release, we have addressed and fixed the following bugs:

  • INS-5563: Widget should be editable even when having long titles
  • INS-5283: The Bosch employee user migration seems not to work anymore
  • INS-5470: Custom Pipeline Artifacts cannot be deleted even though they are not referenced or used
  • INS-5424: Tab Widget header missing
  • INS-5379: Table Widget Colors of cells are visible between rows of fixed columns
  • INS-5442: Plot Widget – Two scroll bars appear when expanding signal selection
  • INS-5338: Filter Widget – parameter gets overwritten by value stored in local storage
  • INS-5241: Select All does not work with Load More
  • INS-5648: Grid layout – High CPU usage on some dashboards
  • INS-5502: Grid Layout – Tab widget making a line break by hovering
  • INS-5618: Device Details Widget – Image is displayed very small
  • INS-5503: Calendar – Device attributes in booking dialogue only displayed for the first time
  • INS-5163: Explain & Analyze section shows incorrect values and is partly misleading
  • INS-5564: Decoder name – can contain unsanitized HTML tags