Upcoming pipeline reprocessing feature
The Python example insights_protocol.py was updated, because of a change in preparation of the upcoming pipeline reprocessing feature. This feature will allow you to keep better track of the documents that have been processed, including history and abort options. The newly added reprocessingId is the basis for that.
Please update your Python artifacts. Otherwise, they will break when you start a new version of your processing pipeline.
New Pipeline App Console shows all logs from the processing frame and stderr of custom code implementations
Under the new tab “App Console” you can now find all messages that your custom code running app produces. The logs, that were displayed under the console tab have been moved to the tab “Processing Logs”. This should help you to troubleshoot and develop custom artifacts.
Java custom code examples are now available for usage
The Java custom code examples are now available in the Bosch IoT Insights documentation. These examples have to be used in a different way compared to the Python custom code example. It is necessary to build the example with Maven before uploading. You can find a more detailed description in the README file in the example. Please keep in mind that pipeline processing is a beta feature.