Our SSL certificate for the https://bosch-sfde.com domain will be renewed since the existing SSL certificate will expire on 11/02/2023.
If you hard-coded the current certificate, you will need to update your certificate chain after the renewal.
See our FAQs for further help: https://bosch-iot-insights.com/static-contents/docu/html/FAQ.html
We would also like to inform you that we are changing from the issuer QuoVadis Global SSL ICA G3 to let’s Encrypt.
Make sure you have the root certificates from the ISRG Root X 1.
Therefore, the frequency of further certificate exchange takes place every 60 to 90 days during the year without further announcement.
You can find information about the change of trust here: https://letsencrypt.org/certificates/
For now, the domain bosch-iot-insights.com is not affected by this change.
Though we are planning to establish the same procedure for this domain starting 31/08/2023.