Table Widget filter support standard data format handling and parameterizable (String & Datetime)
We extended the table widget with new formatting options.
If you choose custom column definitions in the table widget, you can now specify the data type and corresponding formatting for this type, such as prefix and suffix.
You can also use this to display dates using predefined time formats:
Find more details in the documentation: Table widget – Bosch IoT Insights (
Reporting / Charts for Read Tickets
To make the new metrics of API and UI Read Tickets more understandable and traceable, now we provide a reporting functionality in query history. Project administrators can see the number of queued requests and the total time queries must wait because the read ticket limit was reached. So, they can check for bottlenecks and peaks.
This gives them an indication if they need to increase the number of tickets or not.
Remark: Since the Read Ticket Management is yet not active, the content will be empty in most projects for now.
Rich Text Editor now supports placeholders while inserting hyperlinks
The rich text editor – in the Rich Text Widget and Table Widget Column now do support placeholders while inserting hyperlinks.
Also an option for choosing to open the link in a new tab or in the same tab is now available.
Further improvements
- MDF Decoder extended, to support a mode to ignore unsupported Blocks (see documentation)
- Calendar Widget now highlight “newly” created bookings
- The Richtext Widget was extended to also support Data Sources, like all charts widgets
Bugs fixed
We also have addressed the following bugs and fixed them accordingly:
INS-3513 -“Sign in” Button after Session timeout doesn’t work
INS-3533 – Device History – Deleting a parent device is not displayed correctly
INS-3538 – Device Widget Property Dialog should close when Save or Cancel is clicked
INS-3681 – Device history: No children visible in history details
INS-3327 – Cancel Download all InputHistory documents
INS-3510 – Limit Settings in Data Browser are not stored in local storage
INS-3537 – Table Widget should not scroll dashboard when refreshing
INS-3599 – Broken Footer Settings Link on Admin Page
INS-3723 – PipelinesAppSettings should be able to handle environment=null
INS-3731 – Decoder – DBC decoding does an invalid handling of single bit values
INS-3626 – Table Widget – Rich Text Column Sort Feature
INS-3627 – Table Widget – Rich Text Column Filter
INS-3634 – Strange Pixels on Dashboards
INS-3662 – Fix wrong format of Object ID in data browser page
INS-3677 – Link processing information to processed data not working
INS-3704 – Action Link: Incorrect handling for resolved absolute links