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Bosch IoT Manager: BLOB upload and GitHub Vorto repository support

The new release of Bosch IoT Manager, part of Bosch IoT Suite for Device Management, comes with the following new features and improvements:

New BLOB upload functionality

The newest addition to Bosch IoT Manager’s features is the BLOB upload functionality. With it, devices having an implemented uploadable or autoUploadable function block can upload large objects such as log files, camera images, or videos to a user-operated cloud storage. The upload mechanism is flexible and secure, and can be fine-tuned for any specific device use case.

The upload authentication is guaranteed by Bosch IoT Manager and can be based on pre-signed URLs, temporary credentials, or both. Currently, we support uploads to to AWS S3 buckets, Azure BLOB storage, and Elasticsearch.

For convenience, the file upload process can be automated through a mass management rule whose trigger is an UploadReqestEvent coming from the device (see UploadRequestEvent subscription introduced in our previous release). Such a rule would request the necessary credentials from the cloud storage of your choosing and would pass them to the device. The rule’s Groovy script can be further customized depending on your use case.

Device Inventory can now work with multiple Vorto repositories

Bosch IoT Manager’s Device Inventory now supports both the new Eclipse GitHub Vorto repository and the native Vorto Repository.

Device Inventory first tries to download the Vorto model from the GitHub Vorto repository and if the model is not found, it proceeds the search in the old Vorto Repository, meaning that authentication and private models are still supported there.