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Bosch IoT Things: desired properties concept and API

The latest service update for Bosch IoT Things is dedicated to a new concept: desired properties.
A feature may consist of a distinct set of properties, which are functionally or logically coherent.
The feature properties can represent:

  • properties (e.g. values as reported by a physical device)
  • desiredProperties (e.g. values set via a remote management UI, aiming to trigger the device integration layer to change the device configuration).

While the classic properties have been part of Bosch IoT Things right from the beginning, the new desiredProperties have only now been introduced in the model (v2), some basic API to manage them, and as fields usable for searching and filtering.

The new features resources allow you to read, create, update and delete desiredProperties.


The desiredProperties fields can be used in addition or alternatively to other properties within get thing requests, search our count conditions, or filters.
Like for all other fields of a thing, the permission to read and write those fields is controlled via the policy.

tip  Find more at Basic concepts > Things and features.

Please note, that besides persisting the desired properties, and indexing the fields for search requests, filtering, etc. Bosch IoT Thing does not implement their further processing for the time being. This functionality will come with future releases.
Please also note that we will not offer the new resources at API 1, which is deprecated since February 17, 2020.

In addition, various minor bugs have also been fixed.