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Bosch IoT Things: new namespace management user interface and further improvements

Our latest service release comes with various changes:

Namespace management User Interface (UI)

Bosch IoT Things provides a new user interface for managing namespaces. For package subscriptions, e.g. Bosch IoT Suite for Asset Communication and Bosch IoT Suite for Device Management, the user interface to manage namespaces as well as the search index settings per namespace are now available directly in Bosch IoT Suite Console.



The stand-alone Bosch IoT Things UI remains available for customers who have booked their instance via Bosch IoT Cloud.


Connection logging for new opened connections

In order to capture potential error logs related to establishing a connection (e.g. connection errors) when creating and opening the connection, the Bosch IoT Things service automatically enables logging for one hour.


Bosch IoT Suite for Device Management pricing

The usage-based pricing model for the standard plan of Bosch IoT Suite for Device Management is now better supported by Bosch IoT Things service usage measurements. In case your instance has been accounted for data volume only in the previous months, please expect that we henceforth also report transaction metrics such as Twin updates, Twin reads, Live messages, Search, etc.

tip All details regarding the pricing are listed at Pricing & Conditions – Bosch IoT Suite for Device Management.


Ditto 2.0

We are happy to announce that our open source base, the Eclipse Ditto project, has released its major release 2.0.

Find a compact summary as Eclipse Ditto blog.

As Bosch IoT Things already provides all features announced there, the main impact on the commercial version are: the availability of the new Ditto client versions, as well as the end of support for API 1, things-client, and authentication via cryptographic challenge.


At this occasion, various minor bugs have also been fixed.