This offer is only addressed to commercial customers including freelancers and entrepreneurs. All prices are exclusive of value added tax (VAT).
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Export of costs on usage consumption page

On the Usage and Expected Costs page a project owner can now sees details for his subscription.

This shall greatly improve the transparency for project owners to allow a better cost control.

Remark: Unit costs are only visible for Project Owners, while Project Admins can only see the usage consumption.

In addition, it is also possible to download all information in various formats (e.g. CSV) for use in other tools (e.g. Microsoft Excel).

Bug Fixes

INS-6924 Playback cursor | Values out of range
INS-6961 Legend ordering for bar-charts inconsistent
INS-7021 Usage view not always showing current billing period
INS-6689 Resizing inside Tab Widget not shown correctly sometimes
INS-7041 Charts with grouped traces and empty name show up as trace 0 in legend
INS-7015 Playback cursor not working in map widget with undefined values
INS-6457 [Upload Widget] Parallel uploads but option is disabled
INS-6984 [Richtext Widget] Query Caching does not replace the richtextwidget content
INS-7018 Upload widget missing placeholder context
INS-6470 [Rich Text Widget] Data Type Formatting does not work for JSON
INS-7010 Upload widget: TUS Custom header resolving
INS-7026 Input field prefill selection and multi-select are not prefilled if the filter widget is referenced
INS-6959 Input widget label placeholder are not updated immediately
INS-6956 Untracked events like geolocation updates are polluting thing history