The Pipelines UI of Bosch IoT Insights now displays additional information regarding the configuration of a selected pipeline, and offers advanced configuration options.
Information display
In terms of displayed information, you can now directly see the configured Global Processing Timeout, as well as whether Multithreaded Processing is applied, along with the number of processing threads.
The default and minimum timeout per processing step is 1 minute, whereas the maximum is 24 hours defined in minutes.
The default threading configuration is multihreaded, with 5 threads. However, this can be disabled, and thus become single threaded.
Configuration changes
The Global Processing Timeout and Multithreaded Processing values can now be configured through the menu which opens when you click the Settings icon in Processing and Instances.
The Advanced Settings area of this menu allows you to configure the default timeout per processing step, which is used if no other timeout is defined.
There you can also disable the default Multithreaded processing configuration and switch to Single Threaded.
Although it is possible to change these settings, you should only do this with caution, as this may lead to unforeseen behavior and issues.
For further details, refer to Configuring a pipeline.